maandag 7 januari 2013

One quest

Placing optimism at the heart of business

Why putting optimism at the heart of Business? Is it just “beautiful words”, dreams...not only! 
We believe that a massive change of mentality and firm’s culture towards more optimism in business mentality is a way to build higher with more value and perennity.

Why? First of all because Optimism leads to opportunities and involvment.  
By the strength and energy it gives to the leader; by the motivation it brings to internal and external employees to collaborate around a project, by adding this small touch of more daring, openness and a willingness to accept mistakes, which encourages innovation.
Optimism is a way of doing business that delivers enhanced value and continuity.
We believe that optimistic companies are characterised by different criteria and that firms that are not aware of those issues and will not invest in it are likely to go straight into the wall.
Those main criteria’s are firms having:
 - Goals defined in terms of progress,  response to needs,  teamwork, ... and aligned from shareholders to employees;
- A constant focus on the development and diffusion of a positive corporate culture;
- A constant openness towards new opportunities, partnerships, innovation etc.;
-  An ability to engage and mobilize all stakeholders around their project;
-  A dynamic of sharing best practices and networks, with a belief that cooperation opens up opportunities.

Ready to build our future? Joint us :   @BizzObe   

Muriel Schréder (Member of B&O) 

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